Bar & Grill

              Austrian Village

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The Austrian Village

      In 1972 the dreams of Gottlieb and Lotte Burits were realized when they opened their restaurant, the Austrian Village. Bringing to the table her talent in the kitchen, Lotte, who was born in Geislingen, kept the masses coming as she cooked from the heart and delighted all with her savory schnitzels, goulash, rouladen, spaetzle and her own secret recipe for German potato salad. Gottlieb, born in the small town of Grossmuerbisch, Burgenland, who took care of front of the house, applied his charms and welcome his guests and made sure they experienced a piece of the Austrian Village's Gemuetlichkeit.

    The Austrain Village welcomed Chef Werner Lauinger, who  hails from Eisenstadt, Austria in 1988. Educated and trained at Lande Berufschule, and specializing in  Austrian and German cuisine.

     Today, the Austrian Village Restaurant offers an international menu and culture. Not only will you find your German favorites, but on special nights, you can also enjoy an Irish entrée and entertainment, or some of your favorite rock and dance tunes performed live! We offer nine beers on tap and birch beer on tap plus a large selection of bottled beers.

 We invite you to come and experience a restaurant that is a cut above the rest!

Closed Sunday
Austrian Village Restaurant
321 Huntingdon Pike
Rockledge, PA  19046


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​​The Austrian Village will be open for Indoor Dining and curbside pickup .



Wednesday  Through Friday open at 3pm and last seating 7:30pm  

  Saturday open at noon and last seating at 7:30pm